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    Home » 2007 » February » 18 » About Hand-to-Hand Fight.
    About Hand-to-Hand Fight.

    It is very hard to overcome a physically strong, trained opponent in hand-to-hand to fight, much easier, not entering with him in fatal opposition, to cripple him with unexpected, hardly perceptible, but very effective techniques. In hand-to-hand fight not all is solved with physical strength, that’s why from the first training, alongside with physical and technical training, the psychological training is provided to remove complexes and attitudes, destructive for hand-to-hand fight. The program of training includes also studying of medical complexes for rehabilitation after hard trainings and for development of flexibility, leg-splits, flexibility of joints. There are training of striking elements, training of body hits acceptance without harm for health, ways of psyhoemotional strengthening of techniques, instant mobilization for hand-to-hand fight and many other things in hand-to-hand fight training…
    Training of hand-to-hand fight with use of non-standard hits by hands and legs, and also:
    -chokehold and painful techniques, based on auxiliary use body cover damages (eyes, nose, genitals, etc.);
    - unbalancing;
    -painful and breaking influences on joints and a neck;
    -hits with breaking influences on a bone.

    Hit - instant strength influence on one or another part of a human body. At carrying out of control hit there should be correct techniques, exactness of the hit, the permitted degree of contact and steady position in the beginning and in the end of the hit. The throw - technical action of the fighter as a result of which the opponent loses balance and falls on a carpet, touching its surface with any part of the body, except for foots. In wrestle they estimate effective throws, which are throws on a back or on a side at which the person who attack carries out the spot of the opponent or enables the opponent ensure spot himself. Hold - techniques at which the fighter during certain time forces the opponent to lay on a back on a carpet, and squeeze up against opponent's body or against hands of the opponent, pressed to a body. Painful technique - capture of a hand or a leg in wrestle while laying, which allows to lead the following action: folding (lever), rotation - in a joint (knot), entrapment of sinews or muscles (entrapment) and force the opponent to admit defeat. Chokehold technique - the capture, which allow leading compression of carotid arteria and throat of the opponent by lapels of a jacket, by forearm and shoulder, by lapels and shin so that the opponent surrenders or loses consciousness. Difference of competitions under the given version of hand-to-hand fight from other kinds of single combats is that fighters participate in two rounds. In the first round they show the techniques representing combinations of techniques, applied in standard situations of self-defense without the weapon in fight with the unarmed and armed opponent. The second round - free wrestle in which three phases are combined or alternate: Striking - when fighters exchange blows, standing on a distance. Throw - when fighters, having taken capture, try to execute a throw, and wrestle while laying when fighters carry out the holds, painful and chokehold techniques. Transition from hits to throws (and on the contrary) represent the short period of 3-5 seconds when the techniques of fight appropriate for both phases are allowed. It is possible to allocate following conditional groups of fighters actions in hand-to-hand fight: the attack and protection, conducting a wrestle in standing position and laying, transitions from one position in another, performance of techniques of wrestle and blows, performance of counter-hold, maneuvering, etc. In wrestle sportsmen widely use various throws. In particular, the following: A trip - a throw at which the fighter passes the opponent through the leg substituted to his foot or foots. Kick shins - technique in which the fighter simultaneously kicks shins of the opponent by his leg and jerk of the opponent by hands in an opposite direction. Undercutting - kicking by a foot of one or another part of the opponent leg. The hook - a throw in which the fighter grasps a leg of the opponent by one of his legs and takes it out from under the centre of gravity of the opponent. The throw jerky by a hand and/or hands by legs - technique in which the fighter's a leg grasps leg/legs of the opponent and removes the last from under the centre of gravity of the opponent. Unbalancing - a throw in which the fighter hands unbalance the opponent. A throw through a hip - technique in which the fighter, having grasped the opponent hands, throws him through hip zone. Throws through a back and a shoulder - technique in which the fighter grasps the opponent hands and his trunk and rolls him accordingly through his back/shoulder. The mill - a throw in which the fighter grasps the opponent hands and rolls his trunk through the shoulders. At a throw through a breast the fighter clasps a trunk of the opponent, jolts him upwards with the bottom part of the trunk, and sagging back, throws the opponent on a carpet through a breast while falling. Overthrow - a throw at which the fighter hands raises the opponent from a carpet, overturns him in air around of an axis and throws on a carpet. Getting under - technique at which the fighter lifts the opponent with his leg from a carpet and throws him on a carpet, preliminary overturning him by hands in air. The fighters should possess high sports skill by 21-23 years for achievement of high sports results at a level of the country.

    Questioning of fighters before competitions has shown, that 31 % of fighters in wrestles assumed to include in the attacking arsenal throws, 18 % - painful techniques on hands, 9 % - chokehold techniques, 21 %-hits by hands, 17 % - hits by legs. And the "average" fighter assumed to use in a wrestle half from the technical actions offered in the questionnaire. Thus desires of the "average" fighter and the "average" prize-winner with other things being equal practically coincided. For comparison we shall note, that at competitions of a highest level on judo the throws with undercutting are the most popular (16-25 %), throws through a back (22-24%), throws with snatches (12-13%). For competitions on sambo-wrestling throws by legs (trips, undercutting, snatches, hooks, getting under, throws through a head) are applied in 50 % of cases, throws by means of a trunk (through a hip, a back, a breast) - in 20 %. In 33 % of cases the combination began with hits by hands in hand-to-hand fight, in 49 %-with hits by legs and in 17,2 % - with throws. Combinations which begun with direct hits to a head and to a trunk, made accordingly 18 % and 22,8 %, with side kicks to a head and to a trunk - 12,3 % for each, from direct hits by hand to head and to trunk - accordingly 14,3 % and 10,5 %. From side hits by hand to head and to trunk - accordingly 5,3 % and 3,5 %. Rather often fighters began combinations with side undercutting, a throw jerky by a hand/hands for leg/legs and a back trip. Technical actions had various efficiency. The efficiency of technical actions is the ratio of successfully executed technical actions to their general number. The analysis of fighters’ combats has shown, that efficiency of chokehold techniques has made 66 %, holds - 50 %, throws - 25 %, hits - 21 % and painful techniques - 16 %. For comparison: efficiency of throws of adults qualified sambo-wrestlers made 20-50 % in fights, holds - 42 %, painful techniques 10-12 %. Hand-to-hand fight is characterized by high activity of fighters during the combats. Activity of fighters it is the ratio of technical actions performance attempts to the pure general time of a combat expressed in minutes. In the open championship of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine activity of the sportsmen in combats acted in weight categories up to 65 kg and up to 70 kg, made about 6 technical actions a minute (TA/minute). Thus the maximal achieved activity of one sportsmen is 15 TA/minute. In the same championship there was undertaken an attempt to research a question on "mutual relations" in combats between the fighters, who engaged various kinds of single combats. It is established, that within the limits of uniform rules on hand-to-hand fight the «pure hand to hand fighters» who are engaged exclusively in hand-to-hand fight, did not concede in fights to fighters who along with knowledge of hand-to-hand fight had skills in other kinds of single combats. The sportsmen who are engaged in boxing, kickboxing, karate and/or one kind of wrestle (sambo-wrestling, judo, free-style or Greece-Roman wrestling) except for hand-to-hand fight, acted rather well. It is supposed to carry out the further research of hand-to-hand fight techniques - the kind of sports which promptly wins popularity in the world.

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