Martial arts. Hand-to-Hand Fight - "Free Style". Thursday, 2025-01-30, 10:07 AM

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    Home » 2007 » February » 23 » Hand-to-Hand Fight - "Free Style".
    Hand-to-Hand Fight - "Free Style".

      Sviatyna Andrii - the founder of the «Free Style»
      - International level master on karate-do.

    «Free Style» is yet unknown to the general audience direction of hand-to-hand fight. The one who claims that all genius - is simple, is one thousand times right. The «Free Style» was developed exclusively for special units, rapid reaction forces, and antiterrorist divisions. The technique is based on smart escapes, dodges, side steps, dives (ducks), balancing, visual and psychological deceits.
    The aim of self-defense by the «Free Style» is to neutralize attacking person as soon as possible and to stand against the armed and unarmed opponent. The «Free Style» has incorporated all possible kinds of hits and holds at attack, real ways of protection for men and women, techniques of martial arts on some of the sensitive and attackable zones of the body. The technique of the «Free Style» is based on simple principles of karate, ju-jitsu, sambo-wrestling, boxing, and kung fu.
    While using the techniques of the «Free Style» it is possible to conduct fight both with one and with several opponents simultaneously.
    The following techniques are related to «Free Style»: techniques by hands, legs, holds, undercutting, throw techniques etc.
    The «Free Style» art of self-defense is the beginning of a new stage in your life. The system of correct breath together with stretching exercises gives the greatest effect. Trainings of the «Free Style» it is maximal use of all your potential directed to correct work of the entire organism. The result is consciousness realizing the fact that the performance of your body is unlimited, and that it is in your forces to make life more interesting, as well as make your body stronger and more beautiful, thoughts and actions purer and loyal.
    And, really, what can be easier: eutrophy, engage in sport activities and pleasure from dialogue with everything, that surrounds you.
    However we daily justify unwillingness to change a way of life, a way of our thinking by complexity of the life, presence of family and business problems. In practice everything is much easier: laziness, simple laziness to live in harmony with yourself and others, to have excellent health, always feel vigorous and cheerful, and continually evolve and to be pleased with changes happened to you.

    Views: 1894 | Added by: free-fight
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