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    The main mistake of attacking person is lose of the balance, and as the result he becomes vulnerable That’s why you have to follow some important advises: always be sure that you stay on the floor with whole your foot. If at the moment of attack you will stand up on the toes of attacking leg (even several cm up) you will lose the balance. The support leg must be lightly bent in the knee. If the knee is tensed the leg can not amortize the power of push off and you will lose the balance. Do not bent over too much. I am talking about well known physics law: if the center of gravity is dislodged of balance center - fall down is inevitably. On the other hand the farness of kick increases due to the deeper bent over and turn of the hips. To avoid lose of the balance in this case you have to use the attacking leg as a counterbalance. But it’s not advisable to use it often for the beginners. The kick by close standing leg is possible as well as kicks by far standing leg. Close standing leg hits faster and less noticeable but the hit is weaker. The far standing leg makes very strong hits but attack is noticeable and it’s easy to block such hit.
      Straight kick.
    This hit is considered as the easiest one as it is executed straight forward. But still it is not so easy to execute it. The technique of execution: the knee of the far standing leg is lifted to the chest, so that the foot is on the level of the knee of the closest staying leg, which becomes supporting leg. Now the leg is unbending in the knee, the toes are pointed towards you to hit by the heel (it is possible also to execute hit by the pointed toes – the length id the hit is increasing in the case. But you may be injured during the execution of this kind of hit especially if you are a beginner). This move must be followed by light turn of hips, this turn causes the turn of support leg, which make this hit much more effective.
    One of the kinds of straight hit is hit by leg bottom-up. The leg is bent in the knee in the beginning and in this position it goes to the position of hit. Now the leg unbend very quickly (it is important that the hit is executed when the leg is relaxed and only in the end of the hit execution the leg has to be toughen due to this the high speed of the hit is achieved). Right after the hit the leg bends again and moves to the start position. Attacked areas are: groin, chest, jaw.
      Side kick.
    It is very strong and effective hit. Technique of execution: Side stand, the knee is lifted to the chest; the hip of this leg is almost in vertical position. Transfer the center of gravity on the support leg when lifting. Then hit, unbending the leg straight forward. This move is counterbalanced by small incline of the body to the side that is contrary to the hit, but don’t incline too much as you can lose the balance and the hit will become weaker. The attacking area is the top part of foot (it is possible also to execute the hit by the whole foot or by the heel). The foot must be parallel to the floor. With this hit you can successfully attack the face, the solar plexus, the belly and the groin.
      Side kick with turn.
    Starting position: staying in front stand. Lift the leg to the level of hips, the leg has to be maximally bended, the heel pressed to the hip. The hip and the foot is parallel to the floor, the support leg is slightly bended. This lift of the back staying leg is balanced by small incline of the body. Then turn the support leg on 90 angle degree (the heel of the support leg is directed forward to the line of the hit. Attacking leg has to be parallel to the floor but the hip is directed towards the opponent, the body slightly inclined back. Finally the leg is completely unbending to the straight line which directed to the attack point, the toes are pointed back to hit by the heel (it is possible to hit by instep). The most vulnerable areas for this hit are bottom of the belly, trunk and face.
    Starting position: front stand. You execute a turn for 270 angle degrees on the front staying leg, the back staying leg makes circular arch on the floor. The hit reminds slap by the back of the hand. You should turn in the direction of support leg. In case the opponent has avoided the hit, move to the starting position in the same direction. After finishing the hit it is recommender to make the hit by hand simultaneously with putting the leg back.
      Back kick.
    Attacking leg has to be bended in a way so that the heel is directed to the opponent and the hip is parallel to the floor. The second leg is slightly bent to keep the balance. Then you should unbend the leg following this move with abrupt movement of the hips. This kick is sharp and cool, balanced by the toward body inclining. The face is turned to the opponent. Pay attention that the hit is directed to the back and not to the side. You can attack the knee, groin, trunk and face using this hit.
      Knee kick.
    Left hand stand. Move the center of gravity forward, support on the left leg. Lift the right leg, bending it in a knee. Chest is closed belly is retracted. Attackable point is knee. You should execute sharp hit upward. Make pushing move downward by hands, incline your head toward. Knee kick can be also executed in jump. After execution of the kick, put the leg on the floor quickly, move back in the defense. Knee kick upward is used for attacking the opponent in the area of groin, chest, belly and head.
      Kick by foot downward.
    The main target for this hit is knee and shin of the opponent. Also it is possible to stop the attacking leg of the opponent. The amplitude of the movement at hit downward is not long. It is one of the low-going hits; in combination with hits by hands it is possible to attack the opponent by it. The technique: the left foot is on its place or slice toward for half step. Move the center of gravity toward on the bended in a knee left leg. Lift the bended in a knee right leg, turn the shin outside. Execute the kick toward downward in the level of a knee by your knee unbending. Direct the effort to the outside line of the foot.
    Category: My articles | Added by: free-fight (2007-02-18) | Author: Sviatyna Andrii
    Views: 797

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